martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Hernán Cortés

Hernán Cortés
Resultado de imagen de hernan cortes

Hernán Cortés was born in Medellín, located in the ancient Corona de Castilla (Extremadura) on the year 1485. He died on the 2nd December of 1547. He was a spaniard explorer. He led the conquest of Mexico. He was alsoo appointed as "Capitán General de la Nueva España" and mayor of Santiago de Cuba.
When he was fourteen he started studying at Salamanca University for studying law and latin because he belonged to a nobelman family.
Resultado de imagen de hernan cortesWith twenty-two years, in 1504, Cortés arrived in the New World. With Diego de Velazqued, he conquered Cuba. In 1518 he set of to explore Mexico.
He got married two times, because his first wife was murdered (people think he killed her wife). He had eleven children. 
This is the end of my presentation; I hope you liked it.

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